Vernier Science Education - August 2024 p4


Forums / Distance Learning / Meet the Experts Program: Bard College Worldwide Teach-In on Climate and Justice

Distance Learning

Meet the Experts Program: Bard College Worldwide Teach-In on Climate and Justice

Author Post
Emma Hagen Emma Hagen 660 Points

This month and next month, the UCAR Center for Science Education (SciEd) is hosting slightly different Meet the Experts programs. These two events are a part of Bard College's Worldwide Teach-In on Climate and JusticeBoth of these programs are free and everyone is welcome, however some content, especially in the mid-day session, is tailored for middle and high school students. 

Register for both events on the Meet the Experts page. The virtual program is a casual presentation followed by Q&A on Zoom. Automatic closed captioning is available. Questions can be submitted in advance and the recording will be available afterward. Read more about these programs below and see the program graphics attached.

Wednesday, 29 March 2023: Empowering Yourself On Your Science Journey

Two sessions at 11:00 am and 6:00 pm MDT

There are many paths you can take in the world of science, and it’s not always an easy journey to find and claim your place. Whether you want to be a climate scientist, meteorologist, educator, or community organizer, navigating your career paths in Earth systems sciences can be a challenge. Luckily there are experts like Marissa Vara to help! This month, learn about Marissa’s journey to become a higher education specialist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research and how she advises multiple groups within the organization on diversity, equity, and inclusion. By increasing access to climate and Earth systems science careers and empowering historically marginalized people to be able to work in their own communities, we create a more inclusive and just space for everyone.

Wednesday, 05 April 2023: Youth Action for Collective Climate Justice

Two sessions at 11:00 am and 6:00 pm MDT

Youth around the globe have stepped into leading roles in the climate movement. Join us on April 5 as we highlight three young experts from elementary to college who are plugging their passions into climate and justice action. Learn about their current and past projects, from Friday strikes for climate action to setting a recycling record with Guinness World Records to driving change at their schools to fighting for youth and LGBTQ+ voices in the climate movement. Discover how they have found and built community to tackle climate and justice issues, even when it feels the odds are not in their favor. By being persistent and taking collective action on climate and justice issues that are impacting our communities, we can make a difference.

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