
Forums / Elementary Science / Nutrition

Elementary Science


Author Post
Vanessa Fragiacomo Vanessa Fragiacomo 3620 Points

Hello everyone! My name is Vanessa and I am a future elementary school teacher. What I would like to bring to your attention with this post, is the importance of discussing nutrition in your classroom. This topic many times is not given enough time nor attention. As we all know, in the United States there is an epidemic of obesity. If we were able to instill healthy habits of nutrition to our students from an early age, we could help decrease this problem. A fun way to talk about nutrition is by possibly having a fun "Smoothie Day" where students and parents could bring in various fruits and vegetables and create delicious smoothies. It could be a fundraiser in order to donate some help to children's hospital, so that children that suffer with eating disorders could be cured and helped. I am very passionate about nutrition, I hope all of you reading this post are too. In a science classroom there could be many ways of including nutrition in experiments and project. This will raise awareness on the importance of health and maintaining good habits.  I hope to hear more ideas on how to include nutrition in the elementary curriculum. Thanks for stopping by, Vanessa 

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