
Forums / Elementary Science / Future Elementary School Teacher

Elementary Science

Future Elementary School Teacher

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Kassandra Lopez Kassandra Lopez 400 Points

Hello everyone, I'm currently in a bilingual education program persuing my dream of one day becomeing an elementary school teacher. Scinece to me is a fun subject that can easily grasp the attention of students. The only thing is that I am not too sure how to make is fun while safe. What are some ways I can teach science to my future students in a fun yet safe way? 

Janira Gonzalez Janira Gonzalez 520 Points

Hello Kassandra, I am also in the bilingual education program and I really love science and I believe most students do too. Although students want to do so many experiments in science it is very importat for them to be aware of the rules and you can show the students videos on general lab safety or you can go ahead ans explain to them the rules yourself or act out what can go wrong. 

Reynaldo Torres Reynaldo Torres 380 Points

hello Kassandra, I don't know if this can help or not but one thing that comes to mind is to use websites that could show the reaction of how science experiments can happen. like a simulation instead of having it in real life especially now with the pandemic. I remember one time a teacher had a website where it had to do with building circuits and showing the effect they would do and how they work. so maybe you could do something like that.

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