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Early Childhood

Field Trip Idea for 1st Grade

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Marijess Ramos Marijess Ramos 470 Points

Hi everyone my question is do you think it is appropriate for 1st graders to go on a field trip to H-E-B or any grocery store so the students can learn where their food comes from?

Christian Cardona Christian Cardona 500 Points

The idea is exciting, but the safety of the first graders must come first. Although it's a fun idea to let children explore the store, allowing them to enter places like the meat market that are off-limits creates safety issues. Maybe concentrating on topics like fruit would be safer for their age group, or maybe upper-grade level students would benefit more from this kind of hands-on learning. Another recommendation would be to have H-E-B guest speakers connect with students in the classroom, offering a fun activity that would facilitate safe and engaged learning.

Cynthia Valverde Cynthia Valverde 270 Points

Hi there, I like your question. I think any first grader would have a fun little time at H-E-B probably because they like going with their own parents. So I think it is good that they would be familiar with a grocery store. I think the kids would enjoy fun facts about how their fruit and vegtables arrive to the store and the procedure they go through to get there or how they spray the food to keep it fresh. The students can also learn about dry foods as well and how it is transferred from different companies and what not. I personally think that this field trip would be effective but I feel that taking a field trip to like a farm of factory would be more effective and will get the students out of their comfort zone. They could actually learn where and how their food is made and grown.

Leslie Chapa Leslie Chapa 635 Points

Educating students about the different food groups can be a clear yet efficient approach to enhance their understanding of nutrition. Students can make informed decisions about food by learning how different food groups affect their bodies. However, it is important to ensure that the learning environment is safe and supervised. With proper supervision from teachers or chaperones, students can learn about nutrition without any safety concerns. Overall, I believe that this is a valuable learning experience for students, and it can have a positive impact on their health and education.

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