Vernier Science Education_Main Pages_January 2025


Forums / Elementary Science / Activities

Elementary Science


Author Post
Lyana Flores Lyana Flores 170 Points

What kind of experiments or fun activities can I do to introduce science to young students?

Brenda Viera Brenda Viera 110 Points

Hello, since for young students it is harder to grab their attention as to educational concepts, it is best to teach them by having interaction with one another and let them learn by doing, that way they are able to engage within the learning. If students are being taught with hands on activities they will be able to provide us, as teachers, with feedback for us to know if they are learning or not. Some of the activities that you can use to be able to introduce science with young students can be by having their first group assignment with mystery boxes that way they are being introduced to making their own hypothesis and student collaboration. Another activity you can do is by giving the students different scenerios in where science is in the everyday life and ask them about it for them to understand what science is about.

Miroslava Ascencio Miroslava Ascencio 105 Points

Hi! below ill list you some  experiments that are really fun to introduce science to young students!

Lava Lamp: Use Density to Build a Funky Lamp.
Orange Fizz: Chemical Eruption in your Mouth.
Storm in a Glass: Model of Rainstorm in a Glass.
Dry Erase: Draw Figures that become Animated.
Making A Volcano: Acids and Bases Can Erupt in Your Faces.

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