The Center for Gifted Studies_November 2024


Forums / New Teachers / Supports for Struggling Students?

New Teachers

Supports for Struggling Students?

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Nikki Ramos Nikki Ramos 305 Points

Hi everyone, I am currently in my last year of school and I have been working in a SPED resource room. There are no students in my current placement who have profound difficulties with science, but I am discovering that while there are many supports within other subject areas (math, reading, writing), I am at a loss when it comes to supporting students in science. I believe that all students deserve quality instruction, so any tips or ideas about differentiated instruction for those who struggle or are in SPED or FSC would be greatly appreciated. I know that your ideas will definitely help in my future class. Thank you! 

Patrice Janyska Patrice Janyska 260 Points

It will really depend on your student and what their struggles are. I teach in a school for students that have mild to moderate learning issues. Things we do on science include lots of visuals. Anytime you can give them a visual of something it helps. Hands on. Not just labs but manipulatives, models etc. give them plenty of room to write especially if you are taking notes. For some of my students they take notes in class and then I give them a teacher filled in copy at the end - to make sure they can read it when they get home. We also use the extension Read & Write for Google. It has so many great features. 

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