
Forums / Early Childhood / Review "The Early Years: Integrating Digital Tools," by Peggy Ashbrook

Early Childhood

Review "The Early Years: Integrating Digital Tools," by Peggy Ashbrook

Author Post
Olga Fabrega Olga Fabrega 3418 Points

As I was reading this article I thought it was interesting and very good. Technology is all over the world now and more children know how to use technology better than doing other things. It talks about that technology for children is not all about playing games. The children can learn new things about technology and how to work them for all new things.They can use it to type their names and fine motor skills. Once you let children explore a new thing they want to learn more things about it and it can lead them to having a passion for digital tools. Showing students new things at a young age will let them get to know the tool and get better as the years go on. 

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