Amazing facts about our ever changing Earth. The "assessments" were friendly in the fact you can change to the correct answer and learn from your mistake. The vocabulary was a bit high for me....but learned new words. The "labeling" pics was a difficult task, since I suppose you have to be "spot-ON" to get it correct. All-in-all, I learned a lot about erosion, layers of the Earth, and what makes and causes the Earth to change.
Hi Debbie, I am a graduate student working as an intern in a fourth grade classroom. For my final assignment I am required to teach 3 lessons on a topic aligned with one of the fourth grade science standards. I really enjoyed the feedback you gave on the Scipack and was wondering if you developed any lesson plans from it to use with your class. Also, do you have any suggestions for activities to do in regards to this topic? Any advice you can give will be helpful since I have never taught a science unit before!
Taylor, I have LOVED using the changing earth lessons from the NSTA book Picture Perfect Science. Check it out! There is also an AIMS lesson called Agent E that I have done with 4th graders and it really helps them understand erosion. I even added in an Agent W - you basically dress up two kids, have Agent W go in and break/rip up stuff (you prep the actor for this), then Agent E comes in next and picks up the pieces of broken stuff and moves them to a new spot. The kids understand that weathering breaks down materials and erosion moves the sediment to a new place. You can look up lessons on AIMS wesite...just google it.
I find that knowledge sticks better if we work to obtain it.
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