
Forums / Elementary Science / A New Journey

Elementary Science

A New Journey

Author Post
Valerie Mateen Valerie Williams 110 Points

Hello All! We have decided to departmentalize in 5th grade at my school. I will teach science and social studies to three groups of students each day for about 90 minutes each group. Please give me your science expertise! I've taught my "own" class all subjects for the past 12 years. With the implementation of Common Core and Teacher Keys, I need to be on top of my game. I know that I will use Interactive Science Notebooks. Thanks in advance.

Kathy Renfrew Kathy Renfrew 37148 Points

Valerie, While there will be many challenges in your new model, I am sure there will be many opportunities for you as a science instructor and to your students as learners. The Common Core provides a unique opportunity for integration of the disciplines. communication is a huge piece of science instruction and learning as documented by the K-12 Framework for Science Education in the Science and Engineering Practices. Oral communication in science is equally as important as written communication. I have attached some documents that you might fnd helpful as you begin this journey. Please feel free to come back here with questions and concerns. Kathy

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