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Evaluation and Assessment

Using Student Self-Evaluations as Assessment

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Rachel Langley Rachel Langley 425 Points

In my journey to switch over to Guided Inquiry Practice, I am using more student self-evaluation as a way to assess their learning.

Is there anyone out there who has developed some guidance in writing these kinds of evaluation starters?

I find that my attempts have been too open so I'd love to see what others are doing.

Jennifer Salas Jennifer Salas 855 Points

Hello Rachel!

I too have started using self-assessments, but I use mine for math. I include it in each lesson slide, and the self-assessment is specific for that lesson. They have to answer the question, How well do you understand what you learned in this lesson? Being that mine is for math, this question is attached to a mathemtical goal and language goal. For each of these, students choose between three options; need help, working on it, got it. I use those responses to assign remediation or review before moving on to the next lesson. I would like to implement something similiar for science, but we don't complete an entire science lesson each day like we do with math. However, students do have to share what they've learned each day before exiting my room when transitioning or going out to recess. 

Stephanie Wendt Stephanie Wendt 5713 Points

Jennifer, you should purchase one of Page Keeley's formative assessment books. She has fantastic ideas for checking students' understanding. She is a NSTApress author. Here is a link to one of my favorite books she has written:  Her formative assessments can be used across multiple subject areas.

Jennifer Salas Jennifer Salas 855 Points

Dr. Wendt, thank you so much for sharing that with me. 

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