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Early Childhood

early childhood

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Itzayanna Lopez Itzayanna Lopez 300 Points

How do we work with behavioral students and work with the others at the same time?

Mary Lynn Hess Mary Hess 12158 Points


I understand your challenge. That may depend on some initial factors. You need to establish some groundrules and be consistant before any learning takes place. For example:

* What kind of behavior management have you established in the classroom? Do students work as team in groups or as a class to earn incentives? 

* Is the subject interesting/meaningful? Those students might be bored or lost. 

* Do you have a personal relationships with the behavior problem students? What makes them act out? Did you ask them privately? You may have to shift your teaching to see their point of view and reevaluate your approach. Can the behavior students be a helper?

* Are the kids active/moving around? How long have they been sitting in a chair? They may need a brain break or a relaxation period to refocus.

Hope this helps.


Mary Lynn Hess Mary Hess 12158 Points


I ran across this resource on students Working in Groups. It may provide some releif holding 'groups' accountable for your dicipline students.




Work in Groups (External Website)

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