
Forums / Elementary Science / Survey Participation Request - Doctoral Study

Elementary Science

Survey Participation Request - Doctoral Study

Author Post
Jennifer Slavick Jennifer Slavick 220 Points

Are you a K-12 teacher and have you been teaching science since the beginning of the pandemic? Would you be willing to take a 12-question survey about your teaching experiences from fall of 2019 until the present? My name is Jen and I am a doctoral candidate studying the effects of COVID-19 on science instruction. 

If you're willing to take the survey, click here to tell us about your experiences. The survey will ask you to draw or sketch your classroom instruction three times: Fall of 2019, Fall of 2020, and Fall of 2021. If you make the drawings before you start the survey, you can upload your drawings directly into the survey using a photo of your drawing taken on your phone! The first question on the survey is the informed consent form. Please don't let it deter you. This study is approved by the West Chester University IRB-FY2022-54. 

All survey responses will remain anonymous. Surveys must be returned by Sunday, October 31st, 2021. Thank you so much for considering participating in this research so we can better understand teachers’ experiences and needs during this unusual time. I am super grateful for your time and consideration. 
Survey Link:  https://wcupa.co1. 9F6YWEpwHM27KrI


Jennifer Slavick

Doctoral Candidate - West Chester University

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