Hello everyone, I'm and Education major and im getting ready to start my student teaching but two of my biggest worries are learning names and classroom manegment. I am terrible at learning names and I would like to see if anybody has any advice on how to quickly learn names? Also any suggestions on what I can do to not forget them or get the children confused?
I am also worried about classroom manegement, specifically in trying to quiet a classroom down or perhaps having to 'get afteter' the students. I don't want to be too harsh or mean to them but I also dont want to be overly nice where they wont listen to me. Any suggestions or advice for me?
Hi! I also am going into student teaching very soon and would love some tips on this area as well. One tip I have for learning names (as I am bad at it too), which I learned from being an orientation leader, is to use the party game. This game has you say your name and then what you will bring to a hypothetical party (the item must start with the same first letter of your name) I think this not only helps you as the teacher learn their names, but it also helps you get to know them and for them to get to know one another as well. Good luck!
Couple of ideas on names. if your school gives you access to rosters with picture before classes start (such as in Infiniate Campus like mine uses) print them out ahead of time. I have found for myself that handing back items to students helps me a ton to learn names. H
I also have them tell me if they have a name preference other than what is officially listed. They often do. As well as I apologize up front on pronouncing them wrong and have them tell my the correct why to say their names and I write it out on my roster phonetically to help me remember. I teach middle school and their friends get a kick out of my butchering the names especially if they have known the students a long time and don't even think twice about how to say it. If you call them by the wrong names, apologize as it will happen. Student sometime do the same and call you my the wrong teacher name. Admit to being human.
It's nice to know that we are not alone and many of us have the same questions. I will be student teaching next semester and am new to NSTA. From a quick overview it does appear this will be a great resource to help me prepare for both student teaching and beyond.
Hi! All new teachers have this type of nervous wreck because we dont know what to expect in an actual classroom or having alot more students. I believe setting up your classroom in a fun colorful way would be fit into an elementary classroom. Having pictures, vocabulary word wall, colors, different posters would best fit and help the students in the classroom. For the students names, I would have each student create their own name tag and put it in their desk that way I can see whos who.
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