
Forums / General Science and Teaching / Experiences with WEB 2.0 Free Tools

General Science and Teaching

Experiences with WEB 2.0 Free Tools

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Danielle Frey Danielle Frey 355 Points

Glogster ( love it the kids create a virtual poster and they can post it publicly and then can send you a link or you can create educational accounts for each student in your class. It eliminates having to take home those huge posters - you can access them from home and the kids enjoy making them electronically more than they like paper posters. Wallwisher ( - the teacher creats a topic that the students must log in and make a comment on. its a virtual sticky note that comments on a greater poster. Xtranormal ( the kids can make movies with an avatar that they create the person and then type the words they want them to say. Then you can watch during class as presentation. I have also attached a list of other ideas that I have been compiling.


Patty McGinnis Patricia McGinnis 25635 Points

I enjoy using You can give assignments, post grades, upload videos and documents, create teacher monitored "chats" and more. It is great way to go paperless---kids love it.

Carolyn Mohr Carolyn Mohr 92276 Points

Hi Adah, In my school district, I was able to request that certain websites be made available to my students for my class needs. After it was approved by the chain of command, the tech director made it accessible. There may be a procedure in place where you can request that a site be made available for a specific period of time. As long as I was able to show the purpose and how that particular website increased my students' abilities to complete their learning of something, I usually had no problem getting approval. Perhaps you have already been down that 'street'. But just in case... Carolyn

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