Carolina Biological-Smithsonian-September 1.2024


Forums / New Teachers / Approachable Teacher!

New Teachers

Approachable Teacher!

Author Post
Mollie White Mollie White 1560 Points

Hello, I'm Mollie White! I attend Henderson State University in Arkansas. I plan to teach K-6 one day! I love expanding my knowledge when it regards to anything about education! My question pertains to New Teachers in the classroom and how will I be able to ensure that I make myself as inviting and available as possible to my students and parents? How can I do the above while still remaining a respected authority figure in the classroom?

Andrea Harris Andrea Harris 320 Points

Hello Mollie! I love this question because I remember being a students and just wanting to be apart of my teachers' lives and feeling so comfortable around them. I know something that they did was share with us. They share life stories and struggles. They shared stuff about their kids, parents, and husbands. However, I still looked up to them and respected them because they would share with us at appropriate times. They also didn't treat us like a friend but as a teacher. They expected something from us and wanted us to be on our best behaved and since we were, we got to have those fun story times with our teacher.

A M A 660 Points

Hi Mollie! I am a Wartburg College student also planning to teach in elementary. This can be very tough. One thing we talk a lot about is having respect on both levels. If you show your students and their parents respect, you should expect respect from them as well. This may not come easy, but you can gain a stronger connection by having a night that parents and their students can come into your classroom. Everyone can meet one another and pose any questions they may have. This is also a great time to talk about yourself, how you are qualified to teach the students, what makes you stand out, and why you care so much. Another tip is to remember with every lesson, have an objective. If a parent is questioning you, you can explain to them exactly why you are doing this. Then how you are doing it should be backed by research, so if how you are executing the objective is not to their liking, you can show the scientific research backing it. I hope these little tips help and best of luck to you in the field! - Ann Meirick



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