
Forums / Early Childhood / Classroom Management

Early Childhood

Classroom Management

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Thelma Garza Thelma Garza 480 Points

Hello! What are some classroom management strategies that are helpful for managing an elementary class, especially the lower grade levels? 

Charlene Deleon Charlene Deleon 280 Points

As I continue my studies, I have discovered that understanding students and being aware of the factors that contribute to conduct can help us come up with ideas for implementing classroom management. As a substitute teacher, I've also discovered the need of practicing routines and transitions as necessary. I hope this was helpful, and as I continue my study, I hope to elaborate on this comment.

Isabel Rios Isabel Rios 600 Points

As I am in the process to become an elementary teacher I think that it is very important to have several clasroom stategies I think that some teachers that have poor classroom managment have an elevated stress due to it. It is very important to have model ideal behavior students need to leanr to use polite language, let one another speak uninterrupted. Teachers need to raise concerns about one another's statements in a respecful manner. Students need to learn that they need to respect in order to be respected and some small children don't rally understand that concept. 

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