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Elementary Science

Strategies for a Preservice Teacher

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Cosette DiVenere Cosette DiVenere 450 Points

Hello! I am currently receiving my bachelor's in elementary education. Do you have any strategies that helped/worked for you when teaching elementary school science? Thank you for taking the time to respond :)

Alexandra Muldowney Alexandra Muldowney 534 Points

Hi! I'm Alexandra Muldowney and I'm a student at SIU (I'm Carolyn Mohr's student as well). I'm currently in my senior year in college in majoring elementary education. Some strategies that have worked for my placement are: 

1. Explore different ways to make your launch interesting for students. This would help grab their attention, engagement, and curiousity. This will also make learning fun for students. You can incorporate a 'fact' prior and/or after starting your lesson to gauge students engagement and understanding level. A 'fact' is a technique that I recently learned through Carolyn Mohr. I will attach my presentation slide to help and your classmates as a potential strategy with explanations on how to use it in any subject/topic in education. 

2. Allow students to make connections to the real-world and the content that you're teaching. This is essential for studnets to have a meaingful and purposeful learning. Intergrate other subject areas for an aha moment (this is the best part when you see this in students, in my opinion!). 

3. See what students know in a subject/topic. This will help eliminate any possible miconceptions and/or learn what prior knowledge they have. Having student teach their peers about something will help with their learning environment by making it comofortable and welcoming, especially for your quiet students and/or your ELL learners. 


Hope this was helpful, good luck to you!

Skyler Davis Skyler 150 Points

Hi Alexandra! It's great to hear about your strategies for making your lessons engaging and effective in elementary education. The points you've shared are valuable and show a thoughtful approach to teaching. Creating an interesting launch for your lessons and using the 'fact' technique to gauge engagement are fantastic ways to capture students' attention. Making real-world connections and integrating various subject areas can indeed lead to those 'aha' moments for your students. Additionally, assessing students' prior knowledge and encouraging peer teaching can foster a comfortable and welcoming learning environment.

Moni Singh Moni Singh 60 Points

Hi Cosette! As you are preparing to teach science, it's good to think of science and STEM almost the same. I am consolidate my best strtageies and tips here. Many teachers find these resources useful. I hope you find these useful too.

Mitra Surik Mitra Surik 390 Points

As for me, the best way that also really works is the presentation mechanism. It is underestimated by many people, but I try to use it in my teaching practice. If you are interested, here experts can help to create any presentation without any problems and very quickly, so I will be prepared for any lesson regardless of deadlines and topics. I recommend you to read it.

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