
Forums / Elementary Science / Science and Engineering Games

Elementary Science

Science and Engineering Games

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Meredith Kressen Meredith Kressen 200 Points

Does anyone have any suggestions for science/engineering games that could be used in an early childhood elementary classroom?

Kharra Fyllesvold Kharra Fyllesvold 1620 Points

Fun idea! I will have to follow this and see if anyone has any suggestions.

Wendi Laurence Wendi Laurence 1510 Points

I use several game methods for teaching - the key question I always begin with is "What outcome do I want the students to have when we are done with the learning experience?" Some patterns of teaching I use regularly include: If it is just a fun time to fill in words or actions students are working on learning I love to play what I call "Science Says" -- just a play on words for Simon Says. We might do water cycle, moon phases and put actions to words as a way of support emergent bilingual students while helping the whole class review or check on vocabulary. Theater games that have been specifically modified for my lesson. Board games that I have modified for science. Ropes, team building to work on communication, team work, instructions, resiliency. Play is such a critical component in early childhood learning (I think we all need it!) - and I often use role play to explore being a scientist of sorts. One of my favorite games is working on giving direction with robots (real or pretend).

Isabella Villarreal Isabella Villarreal 300 Points

Science Says would be an excellent idea to try out with the students. Almost all students enjoy board games so, that as well would be great for the students to learn and at the same time have the chance to communicate with one another.

Wendi Laurence Wendi Laurence 1510 Points

I hope it helps -- You might want to see if your students want to make the board games! You will be amazed at the great work they do!

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