Carolina Kits 3D Bundles – January 2025


Forums / Evaluation and Assessment / Favorite Ways to Assess?

Evaluation and Assessment

Favorite Ways to Assess?

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Sierra Wayson Sierra Wayson 7745 Points

Hi all!

I am a preservice teacher currently in grad-school, and I'm curious about the best strategies you have found for assessing students in non-traditional ways.  How do you keep assessment engaging for the students and informative for you?  Are the assessments you assign for science different than ones for other subjects?  

Thank you!


Emily Faulconer Emily Faulconer 5775 Points

I use a mixture of assessments in my college level courses. I use rubrics for written assignments. I use closed-question summative assessments, but program them into the LMS so that they get two chances (with questions pulled from pools) and feedback is provided automatically after each chance. I also require a self-reflection activity, which often proves challenging (at first) for students who have not been taught how to self-assess. 

Kelsey Schulz Kelsey Schulz 995 Points

Hi Sierra!

I just gave students the following formative assessment to my studnets, and it went over really well! My fourth grade students really enjoyed it, so I will defitely be using it again. However, I think it would be appropriate for the middle grades as well due to their connections with technology. The idea behind this assessment was to get studnets thinking about potential test questions and find out what concepts still need to be addressed for tomorrow’s review lesson. The directions read: 'You were asking Siri science questions on your phone last night to study for your life science unit test in two days. Write 3 questions and answers you asked Siri about that you think will be on the test. Then finish the text you sent your mom on the bottom. ??'

I created an exit ticket (which could have also been used as an entrance ticket) with a template of an iphone (I just googled an image) with four text boxes in it. The first three boxes had Q: ______________ and A:_________________ sections for students to recourd their potential test questions and answers. Then the final text box contained the following sentence stem: ' ? Something I’m still unclear about is...'

This template could then be easily modified to fit other subject areas as well. Hope this helps!

Brittany Alao Brittany Alao 580 Points

One of my favorite assessments is 3-2-1. For example, if the students were learning about the skeletal system, they would write 3 parts of the skeletal system, 2 purposes for the skeletal system, and 1 new thing they learned about the skeletal system. I also like USAtestprep. This year, I am utilizing it a little more. I am still learning about it, but it is an efficient way to incorporate technology and have the students do a short assessment. 

Autumn Trexel Autumn Trexel 2310 Points

There are a lot of great assessments you can use depending on the situation. For informal assessments, some tools that I really like are exit tickets, science journals, and questioning/listening. These are all great ways to formatively assess students after tehy have completed a lesson or investigation. Formal assessments that I like are written responses and performance tasks. Written responses allow the students to write what they have learned or give a response to a specific question. Performance tasks allow the students to 'do' instead of 'tell'.

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