
Forums / STEM / STEM Implementation Ideas


STEM Implementation Ideas

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Desiree Wilson Desiree Wilson 315 Points

Hello!  I am a student teacher. Does anyone have any suggestions for how I could implement STEM in my future classroom? Thanks. 

Jessica Mercado Jessica Mercado 525 Points

Hey Desiree! I am a preservice teacher who will begin teaching full time next Fall, so I have also been wondering the same thing. I feel like the best way we can implement STEM in our classroom is by having the students engage in hands on activities. I am currently looking into creating unit long or year long projects that can support the TEKS I will be teaching while still keeping the students interested. One website suggests having the students create an item and come up with how they can sell the item. This is cool because it taps into those real world connections we want our students to make while still tackling elementary level topic such as currency. The students will also reach the highest level of Bloom's Taxonomy since they are creating not only creating the object, but also creating ways they can sell the object. I believe this specific project is only appropriate for older students, but you can find other hands on activities for any grade level that incorporates STEM. I would suggest maybe looking into some of these projects that support your TEKS! If you have any suggestions, I would love to hear from you!

David Vernot David Vernot 4340 Points

What grades/subjects are you training for? That would help folks direct you to appropriate resources and ideas. There are tons out there.

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