
Forums / Early Childhood / Turning the Light Bulb on!!!

Early Childhood

Turning the Light Bulb on!!!

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Katty Brooks Katty Brooks 953 Points

Learning about Science in reference to lesson planning and making learning enjoyable to students, it can be a bit overwhelming at times. The resources that we have available on the NSTA web site. everyone has been through the web site. What's one resource you think you can use in your classroom, and how do you expect to use it? I intend to read more into assessment and perhaps change the form of assessment I use in my class.


Assessment (Book Chapter)

Sxog Momm Sxog 10 Points

The NSTA website is definitely a treasure trove of resources for science educators! One resource that I believe could be beneficial in my classroom is the 'Science Assessment' section. I plan to explore different assessment methods to make learning more interactive and engaging for my students. By incorporating varied forms of assessment, I aim to cater to diverse learning styles and ultimately enhance student understanding and 1wins their enthusiasm for science.

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