The Center for Gifted Studies_November 2024


Forums / Life Science / Announcing a New Educational Resources Page

Life Science

Announcing a New Educational Resources Page

Author Post
Valarie Bogan Valarie Bogan 285 Points

Hello, my name is Valarie Bogan and I am the Curriculum Specialist for the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) and Manager of SuperKnova. I want to let all of you know about the new educational resource page on SuperKnova, This page contains Physics, Earth Science, and Life science lessons appropriate for middle and high school students. Each lesson contains a detailed teacher guide and lesson plan, student pages, and when appropriate lecture presentations. Some of these lessons are currently available in Spanish and the translations for the remaining lessons will be available by May.  If you use one of the lessons or have an idea for a new lesson please fill out the feedback form available on that page.



Karen Garcia Karen Garcia 570 Points

Hi Valarie, I sincerely appreciate the resources. They will be very helpful to me as a future teacher so that I can explain the material in a way that will grab my students' attention. My ELL students will benefit immensely from it as well, as they will acquire scientific concepts and broaden their vocabulary and comprehension in both languages. 


Valarie Bogan Valarie Bogan 285 Points

I'm glad these are useful to you. Best of luck on your future endeavors.

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