
Forums / General Science and Teaching / Science Teacher Mentoring Research Study

General Science and Teaching

Science Teacher Mentoring Research Study

Author Post
Shawna Jaggi Shawna Jaggi 30 Points


I am a doctoral student at San Deigo State University researching mentoring relationships and support for new science teacher. If you are a new secondary science teacher in a 6-12 grade science classroom, please consider joining my research study. I am looking for 12 mentoring dyads. Please, fill out the following survey to see if you qualify.

Initial Survey

Here is the link to the informed consent letter with more information about the study. The expected committment time is around 2-3 hours for the new science teacher and about 1-2 hours for their mentors.

Informed Consent

Participants will receive a $25 Amazon gift card at the end of the study. 

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at [email protected] or at [email protected].

Thank you for your consideration,

Shawna Jaggi

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