Carolina Kits 3D Bundles – January 2025


Forums / Early Childhood / Future teacher questions

Early Childhood

Future teacher questions

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Allison Hadley Allison Hadley 75 Points

As a future K teacher, I am curious what science materials have worked well in your classroom to keep out and let the children manipulate and explore. 

Also, what topics have you explored outdoors with your students to do experiments or study science?


Pamela Dupre Pamela Dupre 92369 Points

I don't teach K but I do know there are many resources if you search early childhood in the Explore All Resources tab.

Yolanda Rodriguez Yolanda Rodriguez 330 Points

Hello, I am currrently a kindergarten teacher. The in-class science materials that I would say work for kindergarten to manipulate and explore would include magnets, science puzzles, insect life cycles, insect matching game, water/sand tubs, sensory tub, to name a few. The topics that I have explored outdoors include nature walks, plant seeds, explore parts of a plant, observe for living and non-living things, and you may also conduct experiments outdoor. 

Hope you get to learn, explore, and have fun with the young little learners!

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