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Free NSF ITEST Proposal Development Workshop/Resources

Author Post
Sarah MacGillivray Sarah 20 Points

NSF ITEST Proposal Development Workshops - New England  
Jun 16, 2023 from 10:00 AM to 04:00 PM (ET) 

STELAR, resource center for the NSF ITEST program, is working with NSF are working to raise awareness and build the capacity of the field to propose strong, competitive ITEST proposals. To do so, we will be hosting a workshop open to all, in particular for EPSCoR jurisdictions, between now and the August 11 solicitation deadline.

The workshop will cover the critical components of developing a successful NSF ITEST proposal including: forming partnerships, writing a compelling narrative, developing research and evaluation designs that are well-aligned and impactful, planning for fruitful dissemination, preparing a budget, and finally, submitting the proposal to NSF. The June 16 session will be supported by both pre and post virtual sessions. 

While this event is open to the public, space is limited, and registration is required. 

Priority will be given to New England EPSCoR Jurisdictions (Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont & Rhode Island) and those submitting for the 2023 deadline.?Please complete the registration form on our website and STELAR will follow up with additional details. Upon registration for the June 16 in-person workshop, we will provide connection details for the virtual session. 

Learn More and Register

Sarah MacGillivray Sarah 20 Points

STELAR provides free ITEST proposal development resources as well:

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