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Early Childhood

Early Childhood

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Maria Mendoza maria Mendoza 925 Points

Good afternoon my name is Maria and I’m currently creating a 5E lesson plan on organisms and environments. I was wondering what would be the best way for me to explain to students how reptiles and amphibians are different. An example is a turtle since it can live both in water and in land. Most students would think it’s an amphibian but it’s a reptile. I’m unsure what type of activity to do to make students understand the correct classification.

Mary Bigelow Mary Bigelow 10275 Points

Hi Maria -- I don't have a specific activity in mind, but I found it more successful to go beyond where herps (reptiles and amphibians) live as a defining characteristic, since as you noted there are lots of overlaps. You might want to focus on physical characteristics--the scaly skin of reptiles vs the thin skin of amphibians. Another characteristic to mention is the methods of reproduction (the shelled eggs laid on land vs the jelly-like masses of amphibian eggs deposited in water). Another characteristic of most amphibians is their metamorphosis from fish-like swimmers to four-legged adults. A real challenge is for kids to differentiate between lizards and salamanders, but they can do it! -- Mary B

Peggy Ashbrook Margaret Ashbrook 10963 Points

Wouldn't it be wonderful for young children to have some first hand experiences observing reptiles and amphibians! Perhaps a local nature center, pet shop, animal shelter, or pet owner would be willing to bring animals to your class.

Best wishes,


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