
Forums / Elementary Science / Activities

Elementary Science


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Valerie Nepomuceno Valerie Nepomuceno 200 Points


I was wondering what are some engaging activities or strategies that can encourage scientific thinking in students in 1st grade.

Damaris Uriegas Damaris Uriegas 180 Points

Hello Valerie, 

I recently saw an activity on the Get Caught Engineering website that had some lessons and ideas listed down. However, I found the Save SAM with STEM! activity to be quite engaging as it allows for students to think strategically when it comes to solving a science situation. It works well in many aspects besides being engaging because it allows for them to work on their teamwork, creativity, and strategy; all things that you were looking for to help first graders! The plus side is that it can work with a variety of first graders and the items can be substituted with a variety of items, this activity can also be found all over the web incase you wanted to see various options.

Best of luck!

- Damaris

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