The Center for Gifted Studies_November 2024


Forums / Life Science / New Freshmen Biology Course

Life Science

New Freshmen Biology Course

Author Post
Thomas Gruber Thomas Gruber 250 Points

This will be my first year teaching Biology and first year with freshmen. We have limited resources and have basically just been given a book. What labs/ activities/ curriculum have you used that worked well? Please let me know. Thank you!

Aggie Veld Aggie Veld 350 Points

Look into case studies. SUNY National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science.

Saima Sadika Saima Sadika 645 Points

For Fresher Biology learner I can help u.

Bailee Henderson Katherine Lewis 90 Points

Hi Thomas - I work for a non-profit animal protection organization called Animalearn. Animalearn works to foster an awareness of and a respect for animals used in science education. We are dedicated to assisting educators find the most effective non-animal methods to teach and study science. In order to do this, Animalearn promotes our program called The Science Bank. The Science Bank is a FREE lending program of new and innovative life science software products for educators. Go to to see what we offer for your freshman biology course. Good luck this year! Katherine Lewis Associate Director Animalearn [email protected]

Thomas Gruber Thomas Gruber 250 Points

Thank you all for your responses. I will definitely be using the resources. Saima, do you happen to have any resources that I could utilize? Please let me know. Thank you.

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