Has anyone used littlebits or quirkbots in the classroom to integrate engineering and content with robotics?
I used littlebits with my 4th graders this past winter and collaborated with our tech integration specialist. We gave the kids a design challenge and a process to move through. One of our dads is an engineer and spent the morning with us. He was a great resource to say to the kids that our process was realistic (things like: ask questions, understand the problem, draw your idea for a solution, etc.) and that no company would respond favorably to "trust me, I have a great idea in my head." Our mantra through the experience was "Embrace Failure." We used iPads to take photos and video, stopped occasionally to talk about what challenges they were facing, and had the kids reflect in writing at the end. It was a favorite experience of the kids.
I'm not familiar with those, but I did just receive a grant to purchase Lego WeDo robotics sets. I learned about these at a STEM workshop in Branson, MO. I'm hoping that I will remember how to use them after the summer break. The training from Lego was very cost prohibitive for our school so we didn't get it! I'm a beginner at teaching robotics, so I really don't know what I'm doing! I figured I would learn along with the students!
Thanks! Good luck!
Did you use the little bits with other materials to create? How many kits did you need for the whole class to have enough? Thanks for your reply! Great lesson!
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