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Forums / Elementary Science / States of Matter

Elementary Science

States of Matter

Author Post
Noor Kachmar Noor Kachmar 390 Points

Hi all! I am a student teacher creating a lesson plan on States of Matter for a fourth grade class. Any ideas on a fun engage for my students that will get them hooked, without giving away too much of the content at the same time?

Lisa Ann Nishihara Lisa Ann Nishihara 780 Points

Hi Noor,

I found some books on States of Matter from Epic:

How Big?  How Heavy?  How Dense?:  A Look at Matter  by  Jennifer Boothroyd  (There is an 'Invisible Matter' activity at the end of the book.)

Many Kinds of Matter:  A Look at Solids, Liquids. and Gases  by Jennifer Boothroyd (There is a 'Tasty Changing Matter' activity at the end of the book.)

Explore Solids and Liquids  by  Kathleen M. Reilly  (This book is filled with many fun engage type of activities).

I hope these resources are helpful!


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