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Third Grade Science

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Carolyn Siedelmann Carolyn Siedelmann 570 Points

I have been teaching second grade science all semester and will be student teaching in the fall in a third grade classroom. I have not yet taught science to third graders. What are some great ideas for lessons that will really interest my future students? 

Pamela Dupre Pamela Dupre 92369 Points

Carolyn, you check out: and get lesson plans and resources that are vetted by NSTA. You also can do a search using the Explore All Resources tab at the top of the forum. Specify 3rd grade science and you will see so many ideas and lessons!

Christine Gadbois Christine Gadbois 660 Points

I am student teaching in a third grade classroom at the moment. We are in our weather unit at the moment so we are creating anemometers out of cups and straws and the students are really enjoying it. We are using it as our science fair projects so the students did research on anemometers, created hypothesis (such as does the cup size effect the anemometer or does the material of the cups effect the anemometer), and then are testing them to analyze the results. I think this project could be used in various ways depending on how much time you have to incorporate it. If you have the time to conduct research, create a hypothesis, and test them then I encourage that you do so because it is a great way to incorporate the scientific method, if not it could still be a fun and meaningful project to incorporate into the weather unit. I included a link on how to make the anemometers if you are interested.

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