Winter Group - November 14 campaign


Forums / Early Childhood / 5E Lesson Plan How Light Travels

Early Childhood

5E Lesson Plan How Light Travels

Author Post
Jessica Villeda Jessica Villeda 930 Points

Hello, I am currently working on a 5th grade science lesson on how light travels. Any recomendations on how I can better engage students? Thank you!


George Mehler George Mehler 1755 Points

Hello fellow science teacher,
I am replying you behalf of Funsciencedemos YouTube Channel that is home to hundreds of free videos for ideas for teachers and students to recreate in the classroom. Science is our passion and we are so excited to share our engaging, kid-teacher-parent friendly, and interactive lessons with you to use in the classroom or at home. Our videos adhere to the common core science standards, encompass a wide variety of science concepts, and are specifically geared toward younger learners. All videos on the FunScienceDemos channel come with an English subtitle that can be translated into almost any language, making science lessons accessible virtually any place in the world.  
We encourage you check it out and spread the word! We post new science videos once a month, please subscribe our channel.
The FunScienceDemos Team

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