
Forums / General Science and Teaching / Digital Portfolio

General Science and Teaching

Digital Portfolio

This topic discusses these resources

Author Post
Paula Weaver Paula Weaver 695 Points

Greetings. Feeling overwhelmed with decisions on how to set up my canvas classes. Will be teaching 6 blended middle school science classes. Please consider with me having each student create and share with me their own google site. This would be where they place all the assessments- as a portfolio. What else can I do with such a feature?  Is it probably going to be too much extra work for me?  Trying to go as paperless and transparent as possible. Thanks for your thoughts. 
Paula Weaver - Florida

Angel Alexander Angel Alexander 50 Points

I am starting mine on Monday- I am wrapping up summer term coursework. There are a few groups on Facebook that have taken these resources to the next level: 1. Bitmoji Craze for Educators 2. Science Digital INBs 3. Digital Student Notebooks and MORE! I haven't dived into these too deeply, but the posts seem like great resources. Some teachers are even giving their classroom pages, set up for others to copy and use. Hope these help. Angel Due to Florida's broad public records law, most written communications to or from government employees regarding public education are public records. Therefore, this e-mail communication may be subject to public disclosure.

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