
Forums / Chemistry / Chemistry In the Early Grades


Chemistry In the Early Grades

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Alyssa Ramjohn Alyssa Ramjohn 1585 Points

I am current in my final year as an undergrad, pursuing a Bachelors degree in Elementary Education. One thing that slightly worries me is that I have never been good in the area of chemistry. and I am worried about how much chemistry is actually taught at the elementary level. Did anyone have a similar problem and was able to overcome it? Or does anyone have advice or helpful tools for teaching chemistry? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Carolyn Mohr Carolyn Mohr 92276 Points

Hi Alyssa,
There is a similar thread started in this forum that you might want to check out. You can find it at Chemistry in the Early Years. A couple of resources have already been shared there :-)
My Best to you in your future endeavors.

Steven Harshfield Steven Harshfield 660 Points

The best advise I can offer is to relax and enjoy the subject. You don't have to get into all the little details I expect of my high school students. Discuss how salt or sugar reacts when added to water. Get a small amount of a pH indicator (red cabbage juice works wonders) and show how an acid produces a different color than a base does. Talk about how different color inks are really made of different colors just like the colors in candy.

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