On-going activities using materials that children can access over several days or weeks are fun--and effective--learning activities! Prep and clean-up can be part of the learning if children are expected to get the materials out and put them away after using them (with guidance, of course).
Using safer light sources such as LED rechargeable flashlights and light strips children can explore light and shadow, learning through experience how light travels and can be blocked by objects in its path. Add in mirrors (old CDs work well) and foil to explore reflection. Set up a simple screen for shadow storytelling by taping a large white plastic trash bag between two chairs with a stationary light source on the storyteller's side of the screen (see the National Air and Space Museum resource below for more on incorporating storytelling with science).
Some resources about shadows and play: -A blog post I wrote for The National Science Teaching Association about a preschool, four year old class’ exploration and documentation: Light, shadow, and literacy: Stories inspired by shadow play. https://www.nsta.org/blog/light-shadow-and-literacy-stories-inspired-shadow-play?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR0Qqtt9uAcDAS_LE7nwfP4PN8g3qWVUAxrtjnPIoIyjC9oKaqWEDWiu_lQ_aem_17uBgB4kkESxHnrOS0NKfQ
-Ideas for explorations from the Iowa Regents' Center for Early Developmental Education. Exploring Light & Shadow with Infants and Toddlers. https://regentsctr.uni.edu/sites/default/files/activity_sheets/LightandShadowInfantsToddlers_ExperienceSheet.pdf?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR3jLV5IJ4qS11aL22x0km2eJoQgK6elxJJXiBrZh30e5JN94PMZmpcpkFo_aem_iOLag5r-LUJSHg9u7VoXrQ
-See more from the Iowa Regents' Center in their book, Investigating Light and Shadow With Young Children (Ages 3–8). https://www.tcpress.com/investigating-light-and-shadow-with-young-children-ages-3-8-9780807766927
-'Flights of Fancy Storytime Online, 'Spooky Shadows'' the National Air and Space Museum Educators Ann Caspari and Diane Kidd write and illustrate original stories for young children and their families inspired by their collection of air and space objects and historic photos. Ann demonstrates crafts that related to the science content to make at school or home. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYkwKUQhVLg Watch more 'Flights of Fancy' videos: https://s.si.edu/2zVRLR2
-Peep and the Big Wide World has a wealth of information and photos showing children engaged in exploration. https://www.peepandthebigwideworld.com/en/educators/curriculum/center-based-educators/23/shadows/node/823/
-The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Online article , Five Essentials to Meaningful Play by Marcia L. Nell and Walter F. Drew. https://www.naeyc.org/our-work/families/five-essentials-meaningful-play
-On Facebook Paola Lopez, founder of Kinderoo Children's Academy, generously shares light exploration photos of children at play, learning about the properties of light and many other explorations. https://www.facebook.com/kinderoo.ocala
-Light and Shadows, Documenting Young Children's Explorations listing Massachusetts science standards and many activities. Kindergartners who explored these materials in preschool continue to enjoy and learn as they build deeper understandings. https://www.mass.edu/stem/documents/preschoolcurricular/CEES%20Curriculum%20Light%20and%20Shadows.pdf
The topic of shadows will pop up throughout the year, so start with simple explorations and build your supply of materials and related trade books to extend the learning as children revisit the science content.
Best wishes,