I am the G/T Coordinator in a small suburban school district in Texas. I am writing curriculum and looking for case study ideas to incorporate into our program that provide authentic opportunities for students to experience science like a disciplinarian. My youngest students are especially interested in animals, insects, and the ocean. I created one case study about bees, which I'm linking below. I would love your ideas for lessons or case studies that may appeal to my gifted learners.
Case Study_ More Bees, Please (D. Bailey, 2024) (2).pdf (3.67 Mb)
I enjoyed your case study: More Bees, Please! One of my students has a relative who is a master beekeeper, so I plan to implement your lesson. I have attached a lesson that you may like regarding the population density of deer.
Scope_NovDec_2022_08-13_CL2.0.pdf (0.41 Mb)
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