
Forums / Elementary Science / 5E Lesson Plan: Changes Caused by Heating and Cooling

Elementary Science

5E Lesson Plan: Changes Caused by Heating and Cooling

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Maria Reveles Maria Reveles 795 Points

Hello! I am an elementary education major and I am preparing a first grade lesson about predicting and identifying changes in materials caused by heating and cooling. To help students understand and be able to do this, I have prepared a lesson that includes a video, pictures, a hands on activity and group work. While I have found a lot of examples to explain what happens to different materials when they are heated (for example: ice cream melting, chocolate melting, ice cube melting), its been difficult to find a lot of examples that show the changes caused by cooling other than water being turned to into an ice cube. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thank you for your help. 

Mary Bigelow Mary Bigelow 10275 Points

Hi Maria -- Perhaps you and your students could explore how liquids such as syrup or honey become 'thicker' as they cool? Or ask what happens if you put a balloon in the freezer? Students might realize that adding heat will melt chocolate and ice cream, but when they are cooled they become more solid--identifying a pattern or process. --Mary B

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