This is what I am doing. My standards are going to be the Science practices primarily
(*I have incorporated SP5 Mathematics into all of the practices*)
(I have used the combined Crosscutting concepts suggested in the appendices):
Standard 1: SP1 - Asking questions
Standard 2: SP2 - Modeling
Standard 3: SP3 - Planning and carrying out an investigation
Standard 4: SP4 - Analyzing and Interpreting Data
Standard 5: SP6+7 - Constructing Explanations and Argumentation
Standard 6: SP8 - Obtaining, Evaluating and Communicating Information
Standard 7: CC2+6 - Determining Causality
Standard 8: CC3,4,5+7 - Defining the System
Standard 9: CC1 - Patterns
Notice I am not using the DCIs as standards instead the content presents itself 'thru the lens' of the practices and the cross-cutting concepts.
Overall each Unit I hope to have the following steps:
1. Present a Phenomena
2. Standard 1 --> Asking questions
3. Create an Initial Model and Explanation
4. Some sort of ADI - like lab (Standards 3, 4, and 5)
5. Modeling - Standard 2
6. Some fill in the gaps type of instruction using Standard 6 - Obtaining, Evaluating and Communicating Information
7. Investigate the Cross-Cutting concepts - Standards 7, 8, 9
8. Finish up with a Final Model and Explanation of the phenomenon - Standards 2+5
I'd love some feedback,