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Early Childhood

Science Resources

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Roxana Rivas Roxana Rivas 1310 Points

The district I am currently with, does not provide me with much materials and resources to incorporate meaningful science instructions in my lessons, does anyone know of any type of resources available?

Jessica Luera Jessica Luera 1945 Points

So there are a number of things you can do; I too have trouble finding lessons on-line. If you are new to teaching I would suggest getting a mentor; maybe talking this over with the administrator or another teacher in your grade level about resources available. If you are student teaching I would ask the teacher you are observing about resources. There are also lesson plans and ideas on NSTA. You can also visit a teachers store to find books that have lesson plans or ideas to lesson plans. Of course if you do this make sure the book is aligned with the grade you teach (usually has the grade level written on it) and make sure it aligns with state standards.

Mary Bigelow Mary Bigelow 10275 Points

Take a look at issues of NSTA's Science and Children. Every month, there are ideas for lessons that are teacher-tested and include resources such as handouts, rubrics, and related websites. Look especially at the "Teaching with Tradebooks" and the "Early Years"columns.

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