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Selena Hernandez Selena Hernandez 200 Points

As a future elementary teacher what advise can you share with me as far as teaching science to younger grade levels? How could I incorporate science into a reading or math lesson and make it fun for the students?

Lydia Coley Lydia Coley 685 Points

Hey Selena, as a future elementary teacher, I have seen my mentor teacher spark interest by starting off the unit with a book. For example, if the kids are learning about recycling, you could introduce the lesson by reading a book. You could also bring in artifacts that kids would have seen (i.e: plastic bottles, paper, candy wrappers, etc) and incorporate that into the lesson. 

For science and math, if the kids are learning about distance, you could tie that into the solar system unit. The kids could use their knowledge of distance in math to understand how vast the solar system is. 

I hope these ideas helped!

Jaiden Tedder Jaiden Tedder 190 Points

I agree with Lydia Coley's! I love the idea of incorporating literacy into the science unit by reading a book to the students initially. I think that really can capture the kids' attention in a fun way, but it also helps to connect across different subjects. There are even books available that tie together science and math. 

Additionally, I've heard about incorporating real-life science problems into math word problems. This makes science more realistic to the students, while also helping them learn about literacy, math, and science. 

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