
Forums / General Science and Teaching / Teaching Science for Newbie Teachers

General Science and Teaching

Teaching Science for Newbie Teachers

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Emily Storm Emily Storm 200 Points


I am Emily Storm and I am a future educator.  I am currently a teacher candidate at the University of Arkansas.  I am enrolled in a class all about teaching science.  To my current knowledge, science is one of the subjects that isn't as focused on in elementary schools around.  What can I do as a future educator to change that?  How can I interest more students in science and its importance?  I also am required to teach a science lesson this semester and I wanted to know if anyone had any good science topics or ideas that you can recommend to me so that I can create an impactful lesson for an elementary class?

Thank you!

Emily Faulconer Emily Faulconer 5755 Points

An integrated approach can allow you to include science topics and concepts into non-science lessons. 

This is a very affordable resource you may find useful: 

Mixing It Up: Integrated, Interdisciplinary, Intriguing Science in the Elementary Classroom (e-book)

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