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Elementary Science

Evolution and Elementary Science

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Jeanne Salchli Jeanne Salchli 1050 Points

I am wondering if any K - 5, particularly 3 -5  teachers, incorporate evolution into their science teaching.  Are there any particular lessons, trade books, videos or interactive websites you can recommend?

Destiny Huggins Destiny Huggins 10040 Points

Evolution isn't a concept that is typically taught in elementary grades. I could be incorrect, but skimming through our standards, the term evolution did not appear until Biology which is taught in HS. In lower grades (3-5) we are only teaching the basic concepts such as structure and function, inherited vs behavioral traits, and that organisms have adaptations to help them survive in their environment. While many of these are building blocks to the concept of evolution, we don't specifically talk about evolution. I would love to hear some book suggestions to assist with teaching these concepts though!

Jeanne Salchli Jeanne Salchli 1050 Points

Forgive me if this is reposted, I am having issues with the site or my connection... I agree that I have doubts about how developmentally appropriate it is to teach evolution in elementary, however, I am taking a grad class on evolution and would like to see how I might be able to incorporate ideas of evolution and things like Nature of Science to touch on contributions from Darwin and Wallace. I did find 2 picture books I might use: Life on Earth: The Story of Evolution by Steve Jenkins and Our Family Tree by Lisa Westberg Peters. I would love to know if others have lesson ideas and experience teaching evolution.

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