
Forums / Earth and Space Science / The Orionids meteor shower peak Oct 20th

Earth and Space Science

The Orionids meteor shower peak Oct 20th

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Karen Weir-Brown Karen Weir-Brown 25355 Points

Both my kids were at their different sporting events last night and came home excitedly describing the show they witnessed last night (SF bay area just after 8 PM). Their enthusiasm and connection to real world events is exactly what I strive for when teaching my students. My son spent about 30 minutes on his computer searching for more information. He came out to share with my family what he had learned and then very sadly proclaimed that he wished he had more interest in astronomy because it was really cool to see a meteor burning through the sky. I just kept thinking, wow, how awesome is it that he spent 30 minutes researching something he "wasn't interested in!" Real world connections are so powerful!

Erik Belcher Erik Belcher 840 Points

Meteor showers are exciting to watch. NASA has good web page on the Orionids meteor shower with a video link that would be cool to show students to get them interested in watching this weekend. Best viewing time is before dawn on Sunday 10/21.

NASA Science

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