
General Science and Teaching

Making It Real

Author Post
Morgan Hargrave Morgan Hargrave 505 Points

Hello all, This school year will mark my first year as a teaching figure (student teaching to be exact). My content area is high school chemistry. Would you all like to share any advice for new/aspiring science teachers embarking on this journey?  What are some clever ways to gauge student interest and engagement, specifically at the secondary level?

Congratulations! Teaching high school science has been my passion for over 30 years! First and foremost, safety, safety, safety. Students will push you on this perhaps. I put together a lovely but explicit eye damage powerpoint from real lab accidents to emphasize eye safety and the use of goggles. So to engage students, be authentic and up front with them. Tell them why you are enforcing or doing something, and include them in making the class work. Ask for their input, their stories, to connect of course to the content. Good luck! Bev

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