Carolina Biological OSE - January 2025


Forums / Distance Learning / Remote Instruction during Pandemic

Distance Learning

Remote Instruction during Pandemic

Author Post
Joanne Vakil Joanne Vakil 10 Points

Hello Science Educators,

Please share your insights on teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic by filling out this survey sponsored by Ohio State Univ. Enter a drawing to win 1 of 10 $25 gift cards. Some participants may be invited for an interview. Please share this link with any pre-service teachers you may have worked with. Thank you for your help!
(Contact Joanne for more info: [email protected])

Emily Faulconer Emily Faulconer 5775 Points

The survey link is no longer active. 

It would be helpful to provide Informed Consent (or at least a clear indication of the target participants ... I'm not pre-service so my responses may have influenced your results had I been able to take it). 

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