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Distance Learning Time Management

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Ryen Brusich Ryen Brusich 480 Points

I am currently taking traditional face to face and online classes, the only challenge I have encountered with my online courses is time management, I was wondering if there were any methods or strategies, I could use to better manage time while learning remotely?


Evelin Caraway Evelin Caraway 1525 Points

Hi Ryen,

I found that making a weekly plan each week helps me separate what needs to be done for my job and and what assignment I need to work on when I have free time at work. Of course, I don't have time to read full chapters during lunch time but breaking it up into pages even helps. A little at a time will get it done. I hope this helps. 

Azeneth Garza Azeneth Garza 590 Points

Hi Ryen! A great strategy that helped me through my online clases, and even in person classes, was write out all the assignments on a calendar and everyday when I finished an assignment I would mark it as done in my calendar, as well as add new assignments when my professors added new assignments. Lastly, always check your course messages from your professors, since many tend to change the dates or provide new extentions. Also, do not procrastinate, trust me! Anyway, I hope this can be helpful to you! :)

Alyssa Rodriguez Alyssa Rodriguez 500 Points

Hi Ryen, I have also taken classes face to face while also taking online classes and I find the best method to manage time is to keep a planner and a to do list. I like to make a to do list for the week with all my due dates to ensure I get them done in order. I also have a planner, so I can write any important events such as a test in the month. 

Alejandra Rojo Alejandra Rojo 590 Points

Hi Ryen,

Just like yourself I have taken both online and face to face classes. The way I have managed to do everything on time is to seperate the assignments. Each day I would do the assignment that is due first and so on. This has worked for me for a few years now and since I have seperated the work I have had more free time to enjoy.

Mathew Balybin Mathew Balybin 65 Points

Scientists from Stanford University in the USA studied how a person solves mathematical problems and found out that adults use the skill to 'get' answers from memory based on past experience. Why do teachers insist on regular attendance of lessons? It's not their harmfulness, but the fact that when solving mathematical problems, we 'get' answers from memory based on past experience. And in order to consolidate this experience, you need to repeat the material and train in solving examples. This is the only way to remember all the rules and formulas

Raquel Cruz Raquel Cruz 380 Points

I have found that being well organized has helped me better function time management. I am a visual learner and by writing assignments on a white board and place it in front of me versus writing it down on a calendar and forgetting about it later. I have found this to me updated with my assignments and better organized. I start with the assignments that would not take me long to do along with due dates. This keeps me focused and assignmnents priorized. 

Lori Davis Lori Davis 20 Points

Oh, actually, I face the same problems. My time management skills are not good at all, and sometimes I face challenges when it comes to studying. I always try to prioritize tasks and start from the hardest, but still, sometimes, I don't have enough time to do everything. But I do my best to improve the situation and use different resources to get help with everything. For example, when I have writing tasks, I try to find examples because they really help. The last time I needed help on this source, I found different informative Frankrshestain essay examples, which helped me a lot, and I managed to finish my literature paper on time. I may have problems with time management, but nowadays, there are different useful sites, like the one I used, and it helps out. When I finally improve my time management, I'll for sure share what helped me.

Alyssa Villarreal Alyssa Villarreal 800 Points

Sometimes I have the same issues. I have found it easier for me to stay organized by writing all of my due dates into a planner and devoting between 30min- 1hr getting work done for my classes. I also found it helpful to take breaks as needed so I don't feel overwhelmed. Hope this helps!

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