Carolina Kits 3D Bundles – January 2025


Forums / General Science and Teaching / New Science Lab Setup

General Science and Teaching

New Science Lab Setup

Author Post
Matthew Radowski Matthew Radowski 10 Points

I've been invited by my district to talk about preferences for a new science lab we are going to set up in our new building. However, I currently teach 5th grade, and have never had a dedicated science lab, or have worked strictly with a science curriculum. Do the NGSS have any specific needs for a lab? What type of things should I be asking for in the lab? Any advice at all would be very helpful. Thanks in Advance, Matt

Katherine Barnhart Katherine Nenner 255 Points

I'm not sure exactly what kind of response you're looking for here, but I set up our school's science lab so I'll explain to you what I did and the process I went through. Hopefully this helps a little. You need a large locking closet for storage and lots of shelving. Tables are much better than desks as your students will ideally be working in teams on lab activities. You'll need a sink or two, and access to safety equipment. I organized all of our materials alphabetically because it makes everything easier to find. I labeled both the shelves themselves, and the large plastic tubs that all materials are stored in for safekeeping - plastic tupperware type tubs keeps any bugs and dust out of consumables like flour, salt, plaster of paris type materials and in case anything is dropped, it keeps spills contained. Our science lab has bulletin boards to display student work, a Smart board and technology suite for teaching purposes, everything else you would expect to find in a regular classroom.Ask me if I left anything out, or if you want to see pictures. Hope this helps!

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