
Forums / Elementary Science / Effective Science Strategies

Elementary Science

Effective Science Strategies

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Megan Piwonka Megan Piwonka 170 Points

I am a upcoming elementary school teacher. With that being said, is there cartain strategies or tactics that were found useful when teaching science in the elementary classroom? I want my students to be passionate about science and experience all they can to the full potential.

Pamela Dupre Pamela Dupre 92369 Points

The first and most powerful motivating factor is that the teacher is passionate about the content matter. Make sure to plan ahead and research what you will be teaching so you have some background knowledge and are able to point students in the right direction when needed. Always prepare for worst case scenario when doing experiments. (I always try out new material on my personal children to see what I need to improve with pre-planning.) Start building your library here in the learning center by searching Explore All Resources. A great resources is and start working on Sci Packs here in the Learning Center. 

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