
Forums / Elementary Science / Tips and Strategies for Future Teachers.

Elementary Science

Tips and Strategies for Future Teachers.

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Salma Barragan Sosa Salma Barragan Sosa 440 Points

Hello everyone! My name is Salma Sosa and I am currently a student about to become a Elementary Bilingual Teacher. I have a question about what tips or strategies you recomend to incorporate in my everyday lesson plans to add in the science part. I want my students to be active and implement many hands-on learning. What is one thing you can never forget when teaching science to elementary students?

Maddy Moser Maddy Moser 735 Points

With science, there is many ways that you can incorperate hands-on learning. What I have learned through my educational experience so far is that is important for students to ask questions. Proving inquiry questions in science will allow students to ask questions along with finding differet ways to answer their questions. Students want to ask and explore their questions which will help with keeping them engaged. Inquiry can be used in many ways such as structured, guided, or open. It just depends on how much student-centered learning you would like to incorperate in your classroom. 

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