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Early Childhood

5E Lesson Model

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Lisset Ibarra Lisset Ibarra 1120 Points

I'm currently in student teaching and I taught a science lesson using the 5E model. Would anyone mind sharing what they think are the advantages or disadvantages of using a 5E model in a pre-k classroom or in general? Thank you!

Sarah Benton Feitlinger Sarah Benton 1775 Points

Hi Again Lisset! Teaching using the 5E inquiry model is perfect for Pre-K in my opinion. (For those of you who are unsure about the 5E model, here is a little guide I wrote So much of student learning at this age is experiencing something and having the space to try it for themselves. For preschool, this could be something as simple as exploring gravity by building with blocks and watching them fall. Once students have an experience like this for themselves, they have some scaffolding to connect other concepts and learning. It's a great way to teach preschool.

Michelle Alley Michelle Alley 2570 Points

Hi Sarah, Thank You for sharing your website. What great, awesome, and fun stuff you have in there! I am so excited to start teaching in elementary and have to agree that 5E lessons are my go to!! I love having the children engaged through their own exploring. For them to have the hands on experiences also keeps them motivated. What a FANTASTIC way for children to fall in love with learning. I have used 5E lessons in other subjects as well. It is a way to grab their attention and get them interested in what will come next, plus connect their prior knowledge, making them really think about what they already know. ~Michelle

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